Saturday, November 29, 2008


Here are some pictures of the girls yesterday all dressed up to go to a wedding. Averi has been wanting to go to a wedding for a long time now, so this was a big day for her.

I wish I would have gotten pictures from the wedding & reception. It was truly an incredibly beautiful wedding. Averi danced the night away with her friends, her daddy, and even the bride & groom. Kinsley hung out at the table most of the night snacking on crackers.

Eddie was a groomsman, so as he was walking down a bridesmaid, Averi got a little upset and whispered a little loudly, "Hey, daddy can't marry that girl cause he already married you!"

Anyway, we were so excited to share the day with Chad & Christal and will be thinking about them this week as they are cruising around the Caribbean. We love you guys!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well, our bellies are full after our second round of Thanksgiving dinner. Averi discovered that she likes deviled eggs, and Kinsley enjoyed her turkey leg.

Okay, Kinsley really didn't eat that. It was just a photo-op.

Averi enjoyed doing a little baking...

Actually, she did more mixing than baking since it was a "no bake" cheesecake. The photographer got the picture of the box in the shot, so I figured I'd come clean. Thanks alot, Eddie.

And while I'm posting pictures, here is Kinsley from Halloween. Better late than never, huh?

Jordan "Jamming"