Sunday, August 30, 2009

Double Decker - No? Teen in the House - Yes!

Proof that I'm not on the same page as my teenager:

My thoughts: I'll pack Jordan a nice big lunch for school tomorrow. I"ll go all out & make him an extra-special-double-decker-turkey-cheese-filled-with-love-from-mom-sandwich.

Jordan's thoughts (not that I can read thoughts, although sometimes it may come off that way):

Jordan says: Mom, what's that extra piece of bread for?

Mom says: (with super-duper proudness) I'm making you a double-decker-sandwich!

Jordan says: No, mom. Please mom. No. Please. No double-decker sandwich. Please mom, no double decker (can you hear the desperation in his voice?).

Mom says: Jordan, I thought you would like a double-decker sandwich. I didn't think one sandwich was enough, and you said you didn't want two. What's wrong?

Jordan says: Just please mom, no.

Mom says: Okay, double-decker.

Mom discards the extra bread.

Jordan is relieved & goes off to take his shower.

Mom is totally confused.

Mom's thoughts: Jordan loves double-whatevers.

- What-A-burger - double-decker
- Micky D's - double-decker
- Home - double-decker

Mom tells Mr. Ed about the situation. A light bulb appears above Mr. Ed's head. He's got a PLAN.

We got to work quickly.

I'm on lookout. He's on find mode.

This was the final product:

Well done, Mr. Ed. Well done! (that's fruit roll up on top of ice cream cone)

The strangest part though (yeah, I think it gets stranger), is that Jordan prefers his lunch packed in this type of bag...

Because a nice insulated bag would be TOTALLY EMBARRASSING!

Parents - 1
Teenager - 0

One other lunch-making note:

My Kindergartner will be so incredibly excited when she opens her lunch box to find her sandwich cut in the shape of an "A" for Averi.

At least I'll be the cool mom at one school campus tomorrow.

Jordan gave us the details of his mystery lunch find. It went like this:

Jordan: It was so funny. My whole table was laughing. Even the senior girls behind us were wondering what was going on.

Mom: Wow!

Jordan: It was even funnier when I bit into it and marshmallows went everywhere.

Mom: You ate it? There were marshmallows in it?

Jordan: Yeah, in the cone. I wasn't going to waste a fruit roll up. All the girls were like what's going on?

Final Score:

Teenager - 1
Parents - 0

Friday, August 28, 2009

Operation Kindergarten

It was a success...ummm with one, small hiccup.

Hiccup Hint: An un-sharpened pencil, a very tempting pencil sharpener (she's had a fascination with those all summer), and an already sharpened pencil on her desk.

Hiccup Excuse: Loss of hearing for the 3 seconds prior to the offense.

Hiccup Outcome: No sticker and a note on her chart stating, "Asked not to sharpen pencil (she already had a sharpened on her desk) and sharpened anyway."


Well, she got stickers the rest of the week, she apologized to her teacher the day after the pencil mishap, she's made lots of friends, and she's excited to go to school each morning. We consider it a success and are so very PROUD of her!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday was

A very big day in the Ferguson household.

It was Averi's first day of Kindergarten. Averi has been so excited and so ready! I'm not sure if Kindergarten is ready for Averi, though. She got up bright and early and ate a big breakfast. We had NO issues whatsoever. We were strong, brave, and ready to face the day. No tears at all...until I got into the car and drove away.

I got myself together for a moment until I realized that when I got home, I had to send Jordan off to his first day of high school.

They both had an excellent first day of school.

Kinsley enjoyed her first day of being an only child (for 7 hours at least).

Oh, Mr. Ed and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on Monday also. Well, I say celebrated, but that's probably a little exaggerated. We have deferred the actual celebration to a later date when we don't have so many "firsts" going on.

I love you, Mr. Ed.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Meet the Pirates

Jordan had his first band performance on the high school field!

It was cool. We were proud. Kinsley danced to the music. Averi found friends to play with. Jordan rocked the field.

We were so proud.

They actually had band parents come onto the field to show us a few marching moves. Eddie and I did the quick choose-a-roo. I won! I got to go. It is HARD. Not just hard but impossible for me, at least.

They have "coordinates".

COORDINATES? Are they men at sea?

No, they are the BAND. AND. THEY. ROCK. THE. FIELD. We did a few marching steps...I was loaded down with the snare drum. I never actually got to play the drum (although the really embarrassing parents tried to play their child's instrument...I chose to use my embarrassing moment on snapping pictures....somehow I still ended up being the most embarrassing parent EVA). I still think the parents trying to play the instruments were WAY more embarrassing.

Anyway I did a few "mis"steps and stumbled around clueless and still wondered "what's a coordinate"..."when is 8"...."which way is east".

SERIOUSLY they have to know NWSE! Who knows that?

I learned that either E or W (one of those) means your facing/not facing the sun....I've forgotten which one. My odds are better now though.

Kinsley ate cheetos, Averi drank Mr. Pibb. We were practicing our "football game" parenting technique, which will be to fill their mouths with lots of sugar, salt, and whatever else will keep them occupied.

I have a new respect for band.

And MY. SON. IS. FABULOUS...with or without band.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Business has picked back up in the FUrguson household (yes I realize our name is spelled wrong in the header - it should be fixed soon).

School is starting soon. SCHOOL. IS. STARTING. SOON. Sorry, but I've seen so many bloggers use one word sentences & I just had to join the fun.

Alright, J-Ray has been soaking up the heat at band camp..."One time, at band camp...". I know many of you repeat that in your heads when you hear "band camp", as do I. One fun fact, the nurse at my doctor's office (the doctor that delivered Averi & Kinsley) looks just exactly like the girl that repeated that line so infamously. That girl now (the famous one - not my baby delivering doctor's nurse) is on a sitcom.

Moving on, band from the beginning, has been such a huge surprise for me. It is SERIOUS stuff. They don't play! That deserves repeating in case any of you non-band people don't get it. THEY. DON'T. PLAY. Okay, I really hope I'm getting the one-word-sentence-using-in-blogs thing down. My goodness, trying to fit in never stops, does it?

Anyway, I had to learn the seriousness of the band thing the hard way. I just want to save any non-musical parents from the same embarrassment (for your children's' sake of course...wink:wink). *Note to future band parents - NEVER question the middle school band director about his chosen instrument list....NEVER...NEVER. Most ESPECIALLY NEVER when you know nothing about music. My frugal nature was not a positive characteristic in that situation. I think it went something like me asking Mr. P if they could opt out of the 2 thousand dollar marimba and use one of those small xylophones that come in those musical kits at know the ones that are like $14.99, at least I'm sure that's the way he took it. Lesson learned, though. Now we are spending hundred's of dollars on yard signs, t-shirts, buttons, car decals, and whatever else we can to SHOW OUR SUPPORT! I should have used the periods in between, huh?

Jordan just walked in the door, from taking a break from practicing, literally MARCHING to his own self made drum beats. No joke. That's how he communicates now.


Now he's reading what I'm writing. Love you J. Keep up the good work.

On the serious side, please pray for Jordan as he takes on so many things this year. He's entering high school, playing in the Varsity Marching Band, and has several AP courses. Oh, and let's not forget that he will be getting his driver's permit this year. I won't address that topic further because I might go into a crazy-overprotective-mom-rant about how the driving age should be raised to 25 or better yet a law prohibiting any child I gave birth to from obtaining a driver's license.

Jordan showing his new Freshman ID (also known as mom begging him to pose for a pic with his new high school badge while he's busy texting):

That's probably enough crazy from me for the day.

Stay tuned for "Averi & The Chopper" and "Kinsley Wants YOU!"